Sunday 9 September 2012

My Nail Varnish Collection

Hello again,

Sorry for the delay! I've just recently started studying Travel and Tourism at college and have been overloaded with work!
Today is just going to be a quick one... I'm going to show you my nail varnish (or polish) collection, which is, admittedly, marginally extravagant... to say the least.

Pretty box, full to the brim

Ahh, they're just so preeettyyy! It's an addiction!!

And 6 of my faves, 2 by Ruby Recommends, 1 by Barry M, 1 by Rimmel (matte finish) and 2 by Nail Star.

Hope you enjoyed this little post! Thanks for reading. Remember to become a member and comment with your blog! Don't forget to follow me on twitter

TT x

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